Jekyll Blog
Working with Clikt
Maps with typed keys in Kotlin
GitHub Actions authorizing to AWS
Running Tests in Kubernetes
Keep Work Small & Short-lived
Log4Shell & small modules
GitHub Actions Caching Strategy
Intersection Types in Kotlin
Tips for Using Gradle to build JPMS Modules when Developing with IntelliJ
Link To Splunk From Grafana
Testing Hive expressions locally on OS/X with brew
Error handling when enforcing invariants in the construction of statically checked types
Git repo that tracks only the head commit of a branch
Gradle Multi-Project Build with local SNAPSHOT dependency resolution
Homebrew & Finder launched Applications
Running a service on a restricted port using IP Tables
Fixing Duplicate Resource Definitions for Defaulted Parameterised Defines in Puppet
H2 & HSQLDB for Simulating Oracle
CAP Theorem 2 - The Basic Tradeoff
CAP Theorem
If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match woes
Stupid Stuff I did Implementing an Atom Event Feed Service & Client
Script to Install Public Key on Multiple Hosts
Specifications, Tests & Code
Maven Logging Config for Libraries & Applications
Scala's Maligned Type System
Reproducing Boolean Logic in Pure Scala
REST and HATEOAS - Problems with Clients
Apache HTTPD - settings for use as a pure proxy
Setting the Default Java File Encoding to UTF-8 on a Mac
Release of sysout-over-slf4j 1.0.2
Logging Do's and Dont's
Which Java Thread is using CPU on Linux?
We Need More Language Choice in the Browser
Synthetic Composite Types with Java Generics
Release of sysout-over-slf4j version 1.0.0
Scala Frustrations
Injecting a bean into a Grails Controller without using auto-wiring
Accessing Jetty on Ubuntu from another machine
Web Application Architecture - do I really need Apache?
Web Application Architecture - why so many nodes?
System Out over SLF4J Code Complete
Why are dynamic languages particularly associated with being Agile?
Checked and Unchecked Exceptions
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